A Service Level Agreement or SLA, by definition, is an agreed-upon measure of the response and resolution times that your support team delivers to your customers. There are times when you may need to exclude all/or some SLAs from applying to certain users or organisation tickets in your Zendesk.
We'll show you how you can achieve this by utilising an exclusion condition inside your SLA configuration.
This article will cover the following topics:
- Excluding an SLA from a particular user's tickets
- Excluding an SLA from a particular organisation's tickets
- Adding the exclusion condition to the SLA
It's important to note that you can put an exclusion in one, many or all of your SLAs. It depends on the workflow and exclusion which you are trying to achieve.
Excluding an SLA from a particular user's tickets
In order to exclude an SLA from a particular user's tickets, we will need to first add a tag to the user's profile.
- Navigate to and open the user's profile in question so you can make edits to it (see Viewing a user's profile in Zendesk Support).
- Click inside the Tags field box on the left-hand panel of the profile and add the tag 'no_sla'.
Excluding an SLA from a particular organisation's tickets
If you would like to exclude an SLA from applying to all tickets received from a particular organisation. All you need to do is confirm that the organisation and the users are configured correctly inside your Zendesk; before adding the organisation exclusion condition to your existing SLA.
- Ensure the organisation exists inside your Zendesk
- Confirm the organisation has a domain set & users linked to the organisation
You can utilise the following Zendesk Guides for more help on managing organisations in your Zendesk account:
- Creating organizations in Zendesk
- Managing organizations - Further information on how to edit and link users to organisations.
Adding the exclusion condition to the SLA
After we have configured the User or Organisation to be excluded from the SLA. We now need to edit the existing SLA to add in the exclusion.
- In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Business rules > Service level agreements.
- Click on the SLA policy you want to edit.
- Below any existing conditions, add a new condition under the ALL section
- User condition = Tags CONTAINS NONE OF THE FOLLOWING 'no_sla'
- Organisation condition = Organisation IS NOT 'Org name'
- Click Save.
Example 1: User exclusion
In this example, you can see we have added the Tags exclusion condition to the SLA policy. This new exclusion condition means any ticket with the 'no_sla' tag present on it, will not have this particular SLA applied to it.
Example 2: Organisation exclusion
In this example, you can see we have added the Organisation exclusion condition to the SLA policy. This new exclusion condition means any ticket which has been submitted from the 'Styles Family & Co' organisation will be excluded from having this SLA applied to it.